Thursday, April 23, 2009
Fruit CSA--ELA Family Farms
Keep in mind, a CSA is Community Supported Agriculture, so CSA members share in the risk of crop failures and shortages with farmers. If we do have a shortage or a crop loss on any of the fruit, we will substitute the retail value of the product with our processed goods (which are amazing!) or another fruit. Your fruit pleasure is our #1 goal!
2009 Fruit Share, $220- approximately 90 lbs. of organic freshly picked organic fruit, plus garden grown heirloom tomatoes, and a couple jugs of fresh apple cider in the fall!
Fruit Predictions-
Aug. 9- Organic peaches and heirloom tomatoes
Aug. 6- Peaches
Aug. 23- Peaches and heirloom tomatoes
Aug. 30- Combo of three fruits plus tomatoes; peaches, apples, pears or plums
Sept. 6- Combo of three fruits; peaches, apples, plums or pears
Sept. 13- Apples, pears or plums and heirloom tomatoes
Sept. 20- Apples, plums or pears, and heirloom tomatoes
Sept. 27- Apples and pears
Oct. 4- Apples and a jar of applesauce
Oct. 11- Apples and ½ gallon cider
Oct. 18- Apples and ½ gallon cider
Oct. 25- 20 pound box of Braeburn or Fuji apples. These two varieties are excellent storage apples. The Braeburns are at their peak through November and the Fujis until New Years! Apples should be kept refrigerated or in an unheated garage with a blanket. Eat local longer!
Please send your email address and check or money order payable to Ela Family Farms. Indicate 'Slow Food Denver-Esplanade' or 'Slow Food Denver - Pearl' on your payment - this will designate your preferred pick up location.
Send checks to: Jeni Nagle, 2811 Fillmore Street, Denver CO 80205. You can email Jeni with any questions Jeni needs your email address - she will use this for all fruit communications and to confirm payment receipt!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Fitness Game FREE!
Anyone want a boost to your ability to live a healthier, happier more inspired Life???!?!?!?!?
Just about 1 year ago Dave and I participated in a fitness game. It is fun and totally transformative. It really helped Dave and I change the way we feel in our bodies, think about life and show up for life. The man that teaches it is totally in his gift. He will inspired you like never before. This game is designed really well. It is designed for success. If I could let you crawl in my head and think my thoughts you would WANT to participate in this game.
Well he is being sponsored by a company and is giving this round of the game away for FREE, for 250 people!!!!! It was well worth the $300 that Dave and I each paid. Now that it is over I know that the value I received was well beyond $300!! I just can't get over how lucky you guys and gals are that you get to do this for free. All you have to do is show up!!!
It is a one day class. Then it is a 12-week game held via the internet. It kicks off this May 1st. So don't sit on this. If you know you can't do it please pass it on to ANYONE you know who is ready to transform their life.
Times are a changing for sure. What an incredible gift this is. Take a giant leap forward and show up for this game!!! The info is below:
Hello ~
(you can “pay it forward” if you want)
Get your ticket à (limited seats)
o 12 – week Fitness Game played on teams
o Applies Performance Psychology to change the way you think
o Helps you set your goals and get a plan that works for you
o Weekly calls support your success while you integrate new behaviors
· When: Kicks off Friday May 1st , 9AM – 6PM
· Where: Mile Hi Church at 9077 West Alameda Avenue in Lakewood, CO
· Who: Anyone who wants a boost to their ability to live a healthier, happier more inspired Life?
· Why:
o You’ll Love Yourself, Life and other people more!
o Playing is WINNING! 92% of the people who play The Fitness Game WIN!
o You lose 13 pounds on average!!
· Cost: FREE or you can pay it forward if you want at your discretion
· Value: PRICELESS, what’s your Health and Happiness worth?
Get your ticket à (limited seats)
Right now is a time when we would likely benefit most from taking good care of ourselves with healthy nutrition and exercise,
but unfortunately a time when many of us are least likely to do it. Spending money is also a concern for so many people,
for some of us it’s down right tight!
In times like this the faith and courage to act with compassion toward our selves and others is one of the most valuable things we can do!
It strengthens the very fabric of our communities.
I am not going to let money and tough times be what stops people from getting the gift of The Fitness Game!
Get your ticket à
The Fitness Game is a revolutionary approach to living a healthier, happier life!
Local independent Team Beachbody Coaches are sponsoring the cost of this event,
so that I can dedicate my gift to help you reach for your dream to live a happier, healthier life!
You’ll get an exclusive invitation to work out with Beachbody Coach, P90X Expert, Certified Personal Trainer – Cody Smith!
And a free consultation with a local Beachbody Coach.
· 10:00AM – 2:00PM Saturday May 2nd
Come on, lighten up - what have you got to lose? Play The Fitness Game with me, and win your life!
…mike valentine
Get your ticket à
Monday, April 6, 2009
My second annual meat order is at hand ORDER BY APRIL 24TH. This meat is raised by a long-time organic farmer, David Lynch. His farm was located in Loveland, CO for many decades and recently moved it to Buena Vista, CO. My husband, Dave, grew up visiting and working with David on the weekends, so has known him for about 30 years. I have visited David's farm many times myself and can attest for the loving care he has for his animals and land. I have personally sampled the beef, lamb and turkey and can say with certainty that the meat is superior.
From David--
"We raise grass-fed beef on the lush meadows along Cottonwood Creek, just west of Buena Vista, Colorado. Our animals have never been fed grain and provide high-quality, grass fattened beef that is superior to conventionally grown animals. The beef are harvested by a family-owned meat processing facility ... and are custom cut and packaged according to your specifications.
"When you buy ... lamb you can enjoy succulent, delicious meat and know that it comes from grass-fed lambs raised naturally on the lush meadows along Cottonwood Creek in Buena Vista, Colorado
WILD-CAUGHT SOCK-EYE SALMON: Available right now, about 25lbs (don't have to purchase all) of wild-caught salmon. David works directly with a fisherman in Alaska and visits him regularly. He purchases from this particular fisherman because the salmon is frozen within 12 hours of being caught, which preserves the fats and oils in the fish. The price is $14.50 per pound.
GRASS-FED AND FINISHED BEEF: Order now and the beef is available in December. The FINISHED price is around $6.25 per pound, could be more could be less, but is close to $6.25. The price depends on the hanging weight of the beef, the cost of the processing (which can vary depending on what type of cuts are ordered) and whether you want your organ meats and bones. I ask for a check with your order. I can give the check immediately to the farmer or hold your check until the beef arrives. With each order of meat you get a wide variety of cuts that include: ground, stew, steaks, roasts, ribs, etc. You can order 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or a whole cow. In weight (WITHOUT ORGAN OR BONE) each 1/16 is just over 20 lbs. You will end up with more weight if your cuts are bone-in, you take bones for soup or dogs and/or if you take your organ meat. You can get many custom cuts (roasts the size you want, steaks the thickness you want, ground in 1 lbs, 1 1/2 lb or two lb packages, etc)
GRASS-FED AND FINISHED LAMB: Order now and the lamb is available in November. The FINISHED price is around $7.25 per pound, could be more could be less, but is close to $7.25. The price depends on the hanging weight of the lamb, the cost of the processing (which can vary depending on what type of cuts are ordered) and whether you want your organ meats and bones. I ask for a check with your order. I can give the check immediately to the farmer or hold your check until the lamb arrives. With each order of meat you get a wide variety of cuts that include: ground, stew, steaks, roasts, ribs, etc. You can order 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or a whole Lamb. In weight (WITHOUT ORGAN OR BONE) each 1/4 is just over 10 lbs. You will end up with more weight if your cuts are bone-in, you take bones for soup or dogs and/or if you take your organ meat. You can get many custom cuts (roasts the size you want, steaks the thickness you want, ground in 1 lbs, 1 1/2 lb or two lb packages, etc)
PASTURE AND MILK -FED PORK: Order now, pork is available in November. Pastured pork, supplemented with about 50% raw milk as it's diet. I have not tasted this meat myself but I've heard this makes for an incredible taste and texture of the meat. Includes meat, lard and organs (no bones). You can order 1/4, 1/2 or whole pork. Each 1/4 is about 25 lbs. The pork is about $4.50 per lbs.
I will be placing an order for lamb, beef and pork in the next few weeks. If you would like to order please respond by April 24th with the amount and type of meat you would like. I WILL NOT TAKE ORDERS PAST APRIL 24TH, so don't even ask.
Order the salmon whenever you feel like it.
Also Available:
Chickens and eggs from Northern Colorado Poultry (see
Available 1 time per month. Contact me for pick-up date, location is at my house in Lakewood, but
other locations are available in the Denver Metro area.
Must order one week before pick-up date. Payment is due at pickup, either cash or check.
Please bring your empty egg cartons and a bag/box to carry away your product.
The current price list is as follows:
Whole bird $8.75 all birds weigh 4 pounds (frozen)
Breast $5.00 per lb (comes in 3 and 5 lb bags)
Leg Quarters $1.00 per lb (comes in 3 and 5 lb bags)
Wings $1.00 per pound (5lb bags only)
Backs for stock $1.00 per pound (5lb bags only)
Eggs $3.00 per dozen
Whole Cornish Hen $7.00 each (1.5-1.75 pounds each, frozen)
Heart, Gizzard, Necks, Liver, Feet all $1.00 per pound
Do contact me with any questions. Feel free to share this with friends.
720-837-4933 or